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the battle of arginusae: a review
When I don’t know wether to buy a book, I always check the writer’s background. Debra Hamel has a solid Classical historian’s curriculum,...
29 lug 2023Tempo di lettura: 2 min

"Lords of the sea" by John Hale, a review
"Lords of the sea" is the story of the rise and fall of Athenian thalassocracy from the V to the IV century, with a specific focus on the...
4 set 2021Tempo di lettura: 3 min

"The Athenian Trireme" by J. Morrison et al., a review
The history and reconstruction of an ancient Greek warship: the subtitle of the book by Morrison, Coates and Rankow really says it all....
7 mar 2021Tempo di lettura: 2 min

"Building the trireme" by F. Welsh, a review
Welsh was a journalist and a writer, and is the guy who had the idea of building a trireme. He then went on to actually do it, and built...
25 ott 2020Tempo di lettura: 1 min

3 (useful?) Papers
The review I recently published got a lot of interest (well, relatively...). People commented about the general lack of reading material...
3 set 2020Tempo di lettura: 1 min

"Great naval battles of the ancient greek world": a review
I feared that this book by Owen Rees was one of those basic, superficial booklets for war nerds barely more serious than an Osprey. It...
17 ago 2020Tempo di lettura: 2 min
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